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Institut für Archäologie Prähistorische Archäologie

Workshop: "Ritual? Methoden und Theorien im Spannungsfeld der Archäologien"

Preliminary program, flyer and sign-up form available


Ritual? Methods and theories applied in the archaeological sub-disciplines. 24th September, RAK E8, Rämistrasse 73 Zurich 

A preliminary program, the flyer and sign-up form can be found here: 

Departing from the topic «ritual», the workshop sets out to explore the similarities and differences in methods and theories currently employed in the various archaeological sub-disciplines – prehistoric archaeology, classical archaeology and medieval archaeology – which form the academic study program “Archaeologies” at the University of Zurich. A strong emphasis lies on interdisciplinary approaches, cooperation between the various institutes and their visions for the future. 

Young researchers from various Swiss universities will present their research on the topic, which will form the base for the following discussions. In addition, there will be two sessions of discussions in small groups on the topics of identifying and interpreting ritual contexts as well as the definition of “ritual” in archaeology and the neighboring disciplines.  

The workshop is addressed mainly to young scientists in the fields of archaeology and the neighboring disciplines. Participation is free, but signing up is requested for logistical reasons.
