Funeral practices, diet and health of the Caringa people settled in Pueblo Viejo-Pucará, central pacific coast of Peru
Limites inter Provincias / Roms Innere Grenzen - eine Annäherung
Gestures of Transition - Lithic «chaînes opératoires» during the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in Perialpine Central Europe
Rückwege - Alpine Archäologie in der Silvretta
The prehistoric necropolis at Giubiasco, canton Ticino
Prehistory of the Southern Dalmatian Archipelago
Leventina - Prehistoric Settlement Landscape. Settlement, environment, and economy 1500 BC - 15 AD
Iron Age Cemeteries in the Mesolcina and Rhine Valleys, a case study in transalpine connections
Analysis and interpretation of the Nasca lines at Palpa (Peru)
Three dimensional recording and interpretation of the petroglyphs of Chichictara, Palpa (Peru)
Alpine Archaeology and Ecology – prehistoric settlement dynamic and ressources in the Alps
Ritual sites and fortifications of the pre- and protohistoric periods in the eastern Alps
Prospektionsprojekt Rheinau
The Roman Bronzes of Switzerland, 4. Central, Eastern, and Southern Switzerland
Römische Funde aus Asciburgium: Ein Publikations- und Kooperationsprojekt
Archäologische Forschung in Nordost-Honduras
Mont Lassois (Vix, Côte d'Or, France)
Prähistorische Kupferproduktion in den Ost- und Zentralalpen
Forschungs- und Lehrschwerpunkt zur Interdisziplinären und Komparativen Archäologie